Returning Home, Inc.: An Innovative Community Alternative to Reduce Recidivism and Overcrowding

The Inside Out Network: A Platform for Facilitation Success for Returning Citizens

Street Sweep Employment Program: A Model for Church and Community Collaboration with Faith-Based Organizations

Addressing Social Isolation and Other Social Determinants of Health. The MetroHealth-Open Table Collaboration

Church and Community (C2) Leadership Institute: A Unique Capacity-Building Program for Community-focused Faith Leaders

The Crosswinds – Open Table Collaboration: An Aftercare Model for Runaway and Homeless Youth

Connecting In-Prison Programs to Prisoner Reentry and Aftercare: A Case Study of Restoration Outreach of Dallas Ministries.
Program on Prosocial Behavior, Baylor University, with Sung Joon Jang
Program on Prosocial Behavior, Baylor University, with Sung Joon Jang

American Values, Mental Health, and Using Technology in the Age of Trump
September 2017
September 2017
This study presents preliminary results from The Baylor Religion Survey Wave V, a random sample of 1,501 adults, which was administered by the Gallup Organization in the spring of 2017, during the first months of Trump’s Presidency.
This study presents preliminary results from The Baylor Religion Survey Wave V, a random sample of 1,501 adults, which was administered by the Gallup Organization in the spring of 2017, during the first months of Trump’s Presidency.


What Keeps Them From Coming Back?
The Indiana Faith and Character Training Initiative
The Indiana Faith and Character Training Initiative

The Ohio Adolescent Health Centers: A Collaborative Model for Sexual Risk Avoidance Education

Multi-State Mentoring Research: The Center for Neighborhood Enterprise’s Violence Free Zone (VFZ) Initiative

Stronger Families, Stronger Society: An Analysis of The RIDGE Project, Inc.
A Case Study of The RIDGE Project
A Case Study of The RIDGE Project

Community Transformation in West Dallas: Developing and Measuring Collective Impact Initiatives

Mentoring Children of Prisoners: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study of Amachi Texas
Special Report by Byron R. Johnson, 2014
Special Report by Byron R. Johnson, 2014
Launched in 2000, and in less than a decade, Amachi has been the driving force behind a national movement to mentor children of prisoners.
Launched in 2000, and in less than a decade, Amachi has been the driving force behind a national movement to mentor children of prisoners.

Recidivism Reduction and Return on Investment:
An Empirical Assessment of the Prison Entrepreneurship
A Case Study of Prison Entrepreneurship Program
An Empirical Assessment of the Prison Entrepreneurship
A Case Study of Prison Entrepreneurship Program

Community Transformation in West Dallas: A Sustained Collective Among Churches, Faith-based Organizations and Government
A Case Study of Serve West Dallas
A Case Study of Serve West Dallas

Building Relationships with Prisoners, Their Families, and Churches: A Case Study of Angel Tree

The Generating Leverage Multiplying Impact:
A Case Study of Mission Increase Foundation’s Blended Model of Charitable Investment
A Case Study of Mission Increase Foundation’s Blended Model of Charitable Investment

Not By Faith or Government Alone: Rethinking the Role of Faith-Based Organizations

The Ohio Governor’s Office of Faith-Based Initiatives
With funding from the Templeton Foundation, The Baylor Religion Survey is the most extensive and sensitive study of religion ever conducted, linking up with the pioneering surveys conducted by Rodney Stark and Charles Y. Glock in the 1960s. With the Baylor Religion Survey, we were able to dig deeper into American religious attitudes, behaviors and beliefs than previously possible. Preliminary findings related to the measurement of religion, the nature of religious belief, the relationship between religion and moral and political attitudes, and religious spending habits were released in Wave 1 at the National Press Club on September 11, 2006, in this research report.
With funding from the Templeton Foundation, The Baylor Religion Survey is the most extensive and sensitive study of religion ever conducted, linking up with the pioneering surveys conducted by Rodney Stark and Charles Y. Glock in the 1960s. With the Baylor Religion Survey, we were able to dig deeper into American religious attitudes, behaviors and beliefs than previously possible. Preliminary findings related to the measurement of religion, the nature of religious belief, the relationship between religion and moral and political attitudes, and religious spending habits were released in Wave 1 at the National Press Club on September 11, 2006, in this research report.