

What Works: Comparing the Effectiveness of Welfare-to-Work Programs in Los Angeles
By Stephen V. Monsma and J. Christopher Soper
A Better Kind of High: How Religious Commitment Reduces Drug Use Among Poor Urban Teens
By Byron R. Johnson
Making The Grade: The Influence of Religion Upon the Academic Performance of Youth in Disadvantaged Communities
By Mark D. Regnerus
The Great Escape: How Religion Alters The Delinquent Behavior of High-Risk Adolescents
By Byron R. Johnson and Marc V. Siegel
What Works: Comparing the Effectiveness of Welfare-to-Work Programs in Los Angeles
By Stephen V. Monsma and J. Christopher Soper
InnerChange Freedom Initiative: A Preliminary Evaluation of a Faith-Based Prison Program
By Byron R. Johnson with David B. Larson
Is Religion Good for Adolescent Health: A National Study of American High School Seniors
By John M. Wallace, Jr.
Living Up To Expectations: How Religion alters the Delinquent Behavior of Low-Risk Adolescents
By Mark D. Regnerus
Working Faith: How Religious Organizations Provide Welfare-to-Work Services
By Stephen V. Monsma with Carolyn M. Mounts
Objective Hope: Assessing the Effectiveness of Faith-Based Organizations: A Review of the Literature
By Byron R. Johnson with Ralph Brett Tompkins and Derek Webb
Churches, Charity and Children: How Religious Organizations Are Reaching America’s At-Risk Kids
By Joseph Loconte and Lia Fantuzzo
The Role of African-American Churches in Reducing Crime Among Black Youth
By Byron R. Johnson
Then Comes Marriage? Religion, Race, and Marriage in Urban America
By W. Bradford Wilcox
Good Dads: Religion, Civic Engagement, & Paternal Involvement in Low-Income Communities
By W. Bradford Wilcox
American Values, Mental Health, and Using Technology in the Age of Trump
September 2017
Mentoring Children of Prisoners: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study of Amachi Texas
Special Report by Byron R. Johnson, 2014
American Piety in the 21st Century: New Insights to the Depth and Complexity of Religion in the US
Baylor Survey Wave 1, 2005 (Released 2006)
Not By Faith or Government Alone: Rethinking the Role of Faith-Based Organizations
June 2008